Events photography
How do you get started photographing industry trade shows?
If you want to start photographing trade fairs, it’s a good idea to prepare well for it. This way you get a chance to make new contacts.
Hej! Witaj na moim blogu poświęconym przede wszystkim fotografii eventowej i wszystkiemu co się wokół niej znajduje. Moją specjalizacją jest fotografia eventowa, ale lubię też podróżować i odkrywać nowe miejsca. Więc znajdziesz tutaj również ciekawe miejsca na event, oraz trochę ciekawostek z mojej pracy. Jeśli to za mało, to wpadnij na mojego drugiego bloga pod adresem, który porwadzę znacznie dłużej.
If you want to start photographing trade fairs, it’s a good idea to prepare well for it. This way you get a chance to make new contacts.
My trip to Vienna: impressions, attractions, practical tips. Discover what to see and how to plan a city break in the Austrian capital.
Hi everyone! As event photographer I have the pleasure of taking part in many different events, from weddings to corporate events i birthdays. One of the biggest trends that has
Photographing banquets is one of the more difficult tasks for event photographers.
As an event organizer, you are always looking for new and interesting attractions for an event that will make your corporate event stand out. However, with so many options available,
I’ll tell you how to photograph events so that you don’t give a blurb and deliver good photos of the event. What we call event photography today are events organized
You may associate conferences with a stage where someone speaks, power point slides fly in the background and the rest of the guests listen. At the end, everyone asks questions
How to photograph a conference well? When photographing events, I usually already have a list in my head of the shots I want to take. This way I don’t have
Jarcie Na Kółkach is a foodtruck rally that in 2020 was organized by the National Stadium. We came across it by accident….